Chula’s Dr. Sakulsri: Thai Media Can Survive and Thrive with Clear Positioning, Clear Target Audience, and Engaging Content
- ธันวาคม 9, 2567
- 14:29 น.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sakulsri Srisaracam, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, revealed that Thai media organizations still have opportunities to thrive if they identify the right business model and create content that resonates with their target audience. However, these organizations face ongoing challenges from content creators who have gained increasing influence over consumers.

She predicted more niche media outlets would emerge in the future. This trend means large media organizations will need to downsize and create specialized sub-brands under their main umbrella, focusing on specific interests like business or sports.
However, Dr. Sakulsri noted that “niche” doesn’t always mean small groups. Instead, it refers to specialized interest groups large enough to generate sustainable revenue and, importantly, comprised of “true fans” who genuinely desire that specific type of content. Therefore, she explained, media organizations that understand their target audience and align content with their core values will have a better chance of success.
Ultimately, content will be divided into multiple segments, with each Content Pillar serving specific audience groups. This clear differentiation will help build dedicated followings, leading to the development of suitable business models for each segment. However, Thai media has yet to reach this stage,"
Dr. Sakulsri said.

She predicted more niche media outlets would emerge in the future. This trend means large media organizations will need to downsize and create specialized sub-brands under their main umbrella, focusing on specific interests like business or sports.
However, Dr. Sakulsri noted that “niche” doesn’t always mean small groups. Instead, it refers to specialized interest groups large enough to generate sustainable revenue and, importantly, comprised of “true fans” who genuinely desire that specific type of content. Therefore, she explained, media organizations that understand their target audience and align content with their core values will have a better chance of success.
3 Scenarios for Thai Digital TV Following License Expiration in 2029
Dr. Sakulsri revealed that the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, in collaboration with international research experts, conducted a study for the NBTC, forecasting three scenarios for digital TV’s future:

Scenario 1: In the worst-case scenario, all digital TV operators will close down if they fail to adapt to changing market conditions.
Scenario 2: Digital TV operators can survive by transforming their operations, provided regulatory bodies adapt their policies to support this change.
Scenario 3: Digital TV operators have the potential for growth over the next 6-7 years, contingent on delivering premium quality content.
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