"Money Politics": The new focus of Post Today under its new managing editor, Yutthana Nuancharat
- มกราคม 4, 2566
- 15:26 น.
Yutthana Nuancharat, the new managing editor of Post Today, is a seasoned veteran in the media industry with a wealth of experience as the news editor of Krungthep Turakij, Thansettakij, and Manager Daily. Under Yutthana’s leadership, what direction will Post Today take after being acquired by Nation Group (Thailand)? The new editor is ready to discuss his stance and his strategy for the content creation and business which had just changed ownership.

Yutthana said through the acquisition of Nation Group’s Post Today, he saw the potential of Post Today because of its strong viewership and fanbase. Therefore, this acquisition is intended to strengthen and improve Post Today.
Many people will likely ask how the news and content reported in Post Today will differ from “Krungthep Turakij” and “Thansettakij”, two of Nation Group’s news outlets well known for their business and financial news reporting. Yutthana said that Post Today already has its unique characteristics including its brevity, which must be maintained.
However, it is important to revive Post Today and build it up as a business-finance-oriented brand in order to keep its strong fanbase. An additional concept that will be introduced to differentiate Post Today from others is “Money Politics”
I will use the term “business politics”, which in political science is referred to as ”money politics, as a selling point for Post Today.
A person that I usually use to exemplify money politics is Mr. Srettha Thavisin,” Yutthana said.
As for what the selling point about money politics of Post Today really is, Yutthana said the selling point is its focus on the upper class in Thailand which refers to high-ranking executives and individuals from well-known and wealthy families. These individuals are usually involved in both business and politics, and Post Today covers both aspects of their lives, rather than just one or the other as other media outlets do. For example, business news only talks about what Sansiri Public Company Limited plans to do and political news only talks about Pheu Thai Party, but Post Today covers real-estate tycoon Srettha’s involvement in both.

What makes News compelling is the people in the news!
What I am injecting into Post Today is that I want to sell ideas of people. What makes News compelling is the people in the news. Therefore, Post Today must pay attention to the ideas of the people in the news.
When we report on Srettha Thavisin, we are not only reporting on what Sansiri plans to do but we also write about his ideas as a prime minister candidate of the Pheu Thai Party in the same article. We interview him, write about his ideas, business plan and political plan. We present available information in a way that makes it interesting to read and helps the readers see the full picture. We also aim to highlight Thavisin and make him happy,” Yutthana said.

The second aspect that Yutthana wants to focus on is “lifestyle”. He wants the new Post Today to explore how the family life or lifestyle of individuals who appear in business and political news can be presented to readers. For example, how many siblings they have, what their families are like, whether they intend to hand over their business to their heirs or what their lifestyles are like. Such lifestyle content should be presented in one single article.
The third focus of the new Post Today will be international news coverage. “Today, the world and Thailand are almost like one country. I prioritize world news and I’m certainly going to maintain the concept of global personalities and global celebrities, and also focus on coverage of countries engaged in wars and trade and play on the concepts that I’ve mentioned,” said the new editor-in-chief of Post Today.
In addition, the new Post Today will also focus on presenting green content from local and international sources, including coverage of the zero carbon trend. Yutthana said it is undeniable that going green is crucial for the economy and business, as it is not just about the environment but also a global trade trend.
We tend to avoid Current News. More importantly, with the restructuring, we don’t give priority to trying to be the first to publish a story or follow the latest fad. In our editorial team of 20–25 people, one-third will be production and graphic design staff in charge of creating content for our upcoming platform, but currently not all positions have been filled yet,"
said Yutthana.
Post Today’s next step

Speaking about Post Today’s next step, Yutthana said, “There will be a second phase, in which content will be presented online. As I mentioned previously, one-third of our team will focus on producing green content. There might be a need to hire a host for that online content, but we have yet to reach that point. I need to first focus on rehabilitating Post Today and creating an identity for Post Today.”
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